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Tagsurance HF 3.0 Release Notes

Released: July 2024

Tagsurance HF 3.0 replaces the version 2.0 and is immediately the only version available. It is backwards compatible with its testing capability and its connectors and digital IO. There is a compatible Tagsurance 2 software version available. Tagsurance 3 supports this hardware from version 3.12 onwards.

All the connectors and the serial number are on the front

Easier access and less space needed for the device in installations. No need to see or access the back of the device.

PoE powered (optional)

Tagsurance 3 systems have a PoE switch already used to power up the Lane Controllers and the Tagsurance SL UHF testers. This makes sense as the ethernet cable is needed in any case, so the extra power bricks and cables are no longer needed. Now this is true also for the Tagsurance HF type stations.

The 18 VDC connector is still there for the Tagsurance 1 / Tagsurance 2 usage and other stand-alone use cases. While not recommended it is safe to have both power supply options connected at the same time.

IO connector has been changed from D25 to D15

Same connector as in Tagsurance SL UHF and the adapter is no longer needed. In case the D25->D15 adapter was not previously used in a stand-alone application there is probably a re-wiring needed for the IO cable connecting the Tagsurance HF 3.0 and the external system. If the adapter was used previously, then it is only needed with Tagsurance HF hardware versions 1.0 and 2.0 and it is just not needed with version 3.0. This is the typical scenario.

Connecting Tagsurance HF version 3.x to Tagsurance 3 system

The new version of Tagsurance HF is more simple to install to Tagsurance 3 system than the previous Tagsurance HF device versions. Only an IO cable and a PoE cable are needed. However, when connecting the new Tagsurance HF version to an old Tagsurance 3 system, a adapter cable is required. The details are described in the following document.


IO connector details for stand-alone systems

The changes in connector type, pinout and the signal electrical connection interfaces between the hardware versions are documented in the following document.
