Tagsurance 3 version 3.8.1 Download Page


Release date: 12-MAR-2024

REST API version: 1.6.0
Async API version: 1.2.0

Installation Instructions

  1. Close:
    1. Tagsurance 3.exe
    2. Recipe Builder
  2. Extract installer on Tagsurance Controller PC.
  3. Run setup.exe to update the system
  4. Restart the Tagsurance 3 Controller PC
    • Keep the rack powered up and restart the PC only

IMPORTANT!!! if you are updating from older version than 3.3, read before you start:

  1. If your Tagsurance Controller rack does not have a router (white small box with 5 ethernet sockets), you will need to first request one from support@voyantic.com; this software version and the ones succeeding it will not work without the router.
  2. If you have a router (white small box with 5 ethernet sockets) you will need to update it; request the update SW from support@voyantic.com. Note that it is system serial number specific, with the request send the serial numbers of all the Tagsurance 3 systems you update.
    • After updating the Tagsurance 3 software (step 3 above), update the router as instructed by support@voyantic.com when you requested the router update SW from them (only for updates from older than Tagsurance 3.3)

Release Notes

The version 3.8.1 is a patch version and replaces the version 3.8.0
See more detailed release notes of the version 3.8.0 from the version 3.8.0 download page

Change log

  • Added support for the new version of server in the Tagsurance 3 controller.
    The new version of the server (version 1.2) is delivered since March 2024 as a part of the new Tagsurance 3 systems or as a spare part.
    Server version 1.2