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FIT – Flextronics Instituto de Tecnologia

FIT – Flextronics Instituto de Tecnologia – is a nonprofit Research and Development Institute of Technology, operating in several fields such as software, hardware, product certification, automation and RFID. The company offers innovative solutions through research and development, as well as lab tests and training, providing added value to their customers operation in their market segment.

“The Voyantic Tagformance system is a practical tool for facilitating research and development of the radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. We mainly use the system to test the performance of RFID tags developed in our Lab and to assess market tags for our customers.” explain members of the RFID Lab – Arthur Melo (Lab Technician), Márcio Felix (Internship Eng), Fabiola Costalonga (Test Eng) and Alessandro Luz (Application Eng).

“The Voyantic system has streamlined and sped up the testing process, providing more accuracy and confidence in the results. The intuitive interface of the system is easy-to-use, making conducting tests and interpreting the results pleasant. We are also fully satisfied with the service provided. Voyantic’s local representative, Michel Bardauil of MB Engenharia, installed the equipment and provided us extended training of the various functions of the system. Besides that, we have strong confidence in Voyantic’s partnership in technical support.” say the RFID Lab team members.